In Closing I Would Say…
In Closing I Would Say...
First, I just want to say thank you for taking the time to read these letters. I hope it helps you move your business forward a little bit. I really enjoyed writing it, and that brings me to a point that I want to make before I close this out.
Do you remember at the beginning of this, I was telling you how I was tapping this report out on my useless phone from my cave in the rural Andalucian mountains?
That’s love. That’s ambition.
I have a love for this subject. I have a fire in my belly to get better at what I do. For me, it feels like it’s never enough.
No matter what I might accomplish, no matter what goal I may reach, it seems like I am always on to the next thing.
I believe that no matter what insight I can provide to you, none of it will matter unless you have that fire and ambition and love.
If you take nothing else from this report, I hope you take from it that you will do the best and thrive the most in life when you find something you genuinely care about and leverage THAT to make money.
The other thing I would say is that action always wins the day. I have seen so many people thrive online from taking relentless action on mediocre ideas or concepts…
…and on the flipside I have seen SO MANY really smart people just kind of meander around learning and coming up with ideas that they never really execute on.
They pretty much get frustrated and go nowhere, just from not taking enough action. So make sure that you are executing on the things you learn. There has to be a balance between learning and productivity.
Anyways, I guess that’s it. I mean, there’s always more to say, but this lays a great foundation for getting started in the world of digital product publishing.
Have a good one and good luck in ALL your ventures!
Dominus Owen Markham